Radical Forgiveness Coach Training
Become a certified Radical Forgiveness Coach – Level 1
Our principal 90-day, online Radical Forgiveness Coach Training Course (Level 1) teaches you how to use the tools of Radical Forgiveness and Radical Self-Empowerment to create more happiness, peace and joy, and qualifies you to coach others in the process.
It offers a superb opportunity to create a flourishing Radical Forgiveness coaching practice, whether you’re starting from scratch or adding it to an existing modality.
This is an online modular course, which allows you to work at your own pace up, over a maximum period of 6 months – though it is designed to be done very comfortably in 90 days or less.
What will I learn?
- Learn about the concepts of:
- What is Radical Forgiveness?
- A brief look at what Radical Living is
- Theories relating to Radical Forgiveness
- Radical Karma
- Radical Self-Empowerment
- The Evolution of Radical Forgiveness
- Methodologies to help clients with personal development and forgiveness work
- Undertake the Three Letter Process of Radical Forgiveness
- Explanations of some free tools and what they are used for
- How to guide clients through free tools, such as:
- Worksheets
- 13-Step Process
- Three Letter Process
- The Radical Forgiveness eBook
- Knowledge testing through assessments, quizzes and worksheets. Each module ends with a short quiz which is self-assessed
- Qualifications: Radical Forgiveness Coach and Book Study Leader
How will I be able to help and coach others?
- Educate individuals and groups on how to use Radical Forgiveness to develop themselves and to forgive others
- Facilitate Book Study Groups and educating people about the Radical Forgiveness Book
Please note:
- You will not be certified to do emotional processing through therapy
- No experiential work may be done with clients. Meetings must remain cognitive instead of entirely emotional.
- All guidance must be given by referring to Radical Forgiveness free tools
Additional Benefits included with the course:
- Membership of the IRRFL and access to free resources and tools, including registration for the Radical Forgiveness Student Forum (on Facebook)
- A 90-Day Planner
- A free copy of the Radical Forgiveness e-book
- Free additional personal development courses:
- A 3 Day Journey to Freedom, Peace and Happiness and Who the Bleep Am I?
- Learning Resources, such as videos, online worksheets, quizzes, audios and notes, and video transcripts
This course will be fulfilling not just for you but will allow you to share your knowledge with others – so register now and get going!
The price includes all course materials, online support and online meetings.
Once you have studied our initial Radical Forgiveness Coaching Course, you can continue developing your skills, through taking our Level 2 Radical Living Master Coach Course. Click here to find out more…