IIRFL Licensed and Contracted
International Affiliates
Meet the IIRFL’s contracted affiliate coach trainers located in the following centers for training around the world:
Peru, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Germany, Africa.
Our coach trainers are solely accredited under limited and renewable contract through IIRFL and are licensed in accordance with their contract. All pre-existing contracts have been inherited by IIRFL under the same terms and conditions that were applied under the Radical Forgiveness Institute with Colin And JoAnn Tipping.

Godfrey O’Flaherty
CEO and founder of the International Institute of Radical Forgiveness and Leadership (IIRFL)
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Godfrey O’Flaherty is the CEO and founder of the International Institute of Radical Forgiveness and Leadership (IIRFL), which has been established to continue and expand the beautiful work of Colin and JoAnn Tipping.
Colin Tipping, the author and founder of the Radical Forgiveness works, selected and nominated Godfrey to be the sole global custodian of all the IP for Radical Forgiveness in 2019, and sold the global enterprise to him. In a touching ceremony curated by JoAnn Tipping at their home in Atlanta, Colin handed over to Godfrey, both the business and the mantle of leadership for the Radical Forgiveness movement.
Godfrey O’Flaherty has an extensive background in executive leadership and development, through his coaching work across most industries and continents. His passion lies in human development through education, self-empowerment and mindful consciousness.
O’Flaherty was awarded an MBA in Business Strategy and Systemic Thinking by the Henley Business School in the UK, and is currently finalizing a Doctorate in Strategic Coaching and Executive Development in Leadership.
His personal vision is to develop the International Institute of Radical Forgiveness through work that it embodies, into a truly global organisation for forgiveness, change and the raising of consciousness.

Claudia “Muss” Hernandez
Radical Living Master Coach; Radical Forgiveness Coach; Radical Grieving Coach; Instructor
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Claudia is a full-time artist, a licensed Science of Mind Practitioner and an Infinite Possibilities trainer. In her work as a Radical Forgiveness Coach, she offers classes, book study groups and individual coaching.
Personal Statement: I love life; I love people and their life stories. Every time that I lead someone on their own self-discovery path, as they experience the energy shift that occurs by using the Radical Forgiveness technology, I always get to discover a part of myself. Love happens. Everything heals. We are truly One.

German Semenyuk
Radical Living Master Coach
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After being diagnosed with an incurable disease in 1991, German Semenyuk began practicing various natural and alternative approaches to create improved health. Among his pursuits, he studied yoga extensively and now teaches yoga classes. In 2008, he read Radical Forgiveness and was surprised by the clear, comprehensible view of life offered by the book. As he applied the simple, powerful Tipping Method to his own life, he became passionate about Radical Forgiveness. With dramatic changes for him personally, German wanted to share this knowledge and experiences with others. He feels his mission in life is to serve as a channel for the light of love and to bring to others the potential for a life of peace, conciliation and happiness.

Magdalena Czaja
Radical Forgiveness Coach
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Magdalena is an entrepreneur, consultant, mentor, speaker, trainer for individuals and teams, personal development coach, and lecturer. She is an author of publications in industry magazines and personal development journals. She is the creator of the Lovefiting ™ method dedicated to finding, building and improving relationships. Together with Ireneusz Rudnicki, Magdalena runs the Institute of Radical Forgiveness in Poland (Instytut Metody Tippinga) and is its’ director. Personal Statement: I am a great advocate of courage in every field: “Courage is not a lack of fear. Courage is an action despite the fear. All you need is one decision. Be afraid … and act!

Iryna Manokha
Radical Living Master Coach
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The Radical Forgiveness book first came to Iryna’s attention in 2012, and she was impressed immediately with Jill’s Story. Using the RF tools, she was finally able to forgive someone after 7 long years. Already a psychologist, she was led to train as a Radical Living Master Coach and today, her life is full as a happy wife, mother of 3 and as a Coach. She offers RF coaching, the Radical Forgiveness Circle Ceremony and ‘Satori’ Games, using these tools to help people gain peace and happiness in their lives.
Personal Statement: My mission is to help my clients understand and accept themselves and achieve success and balance in their lives. “Be an author of your own life!”

Hina Fruh
German Language Trainer for Radical Living; Radical Forgiveness Therapy Practitioner
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Hina is the founder and CEO of the “Tipping-Methode” for Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Since 2005, she has been exclusively licensed by Colin Tipping for educating and training the Radical Forgiveness Coaches for these countries. She also offers workshops on Radical Forgiveness, Self-Forgiveness and Breathwork and coaching sessions in both German and English. She is the author of the German book, “The Power of Self-Forgiveness.” She has worked as a psychotherapist, body worker and workshop facilitator since 1989. (See also: Germany; Switzerland).
Personal Statement: My passion is supporting people on their path to self-acceptance and self-love. I strongly believe these form the foundation for fulfilling relationships. Love yourself and live to the fullest!

Mignon O'Flaherty
Radical Forgiveness Coach; Director and Exco Member, IIRFL Africa Affiliate
South Africa
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Mignon qualified as a Radical Forgiveness coach during the course of 2020, which she was honored to have been invited onto by the author himself. Mignon is on a journey of self-empowerment using the Radical Forgiveness methodology and is working with others who are on a similar journey of consciousness. Mignon has graduated with Bachelor of Arts degree, with Majors English Lit and Psychology, as well as a Postgraduate Graduate Certificate in Education through the University of Cape Town. Mignon is going into the final research phase of her Honors in Psychology degree.
Mignon is the director and exco member of the IRRFL Africa Affiliate. As part of the leadership she will be responsible for the development of the Radical Forgiveness work throughout the African continent.