#1 Combo: Radical Forgiveness Coach PLUS Radical Living Master Coach – All Online
MODULE #1 Introduction to the Course
Video #1 The Radical Forgiveness Coach Training
Video #2 The Scope of the Training
What you will be trained to do.
Making the transition from Traditional to Radical Forgiveness
The difference between the medical model and RF model.
Video #3 What is Radical Living
Who is Your Client?
Defining Your Role
Aspirins and Vitamins
_______________________________________________________________________MODULE #2 Being a Radical Forgiveness Coach
Video #1 The Essence of Radical Forgiveness
Video #2 The Essence of Radical Self-Empowerment
Video #3 How It Works – The Tipping Method
Positioning yourself as an expert in the philosophy and practice of Radical Forgiveness
Positioning yourself as an expert in how to use the tools of RF and RE
Video #4 The Tools That You Will Be Certified to Teach
Worksheets, 13 Steps Audio, 3 Letters
_______________________________________________________________________MODULE # 3 Radical Karma
Video #1 Your Awakening
Video #2 The Early Wound Model Explaining Radical Forgiveness
Video #3 The Soul’s Journey – Radical Karma Model Explaining Radical Forgiveness
________________________________________________________________________MODULE #4 The 5 Stages of Radical Forgiveness
Video #1 The First Two Stages of the Radical Forgiveness Process
1. Telling the Story.
Witnessing their story, Validating, Rapport, Active Listening, Clues, Note taking, Knowing when and how to make the transition. Watching for patterns, dates, intervals, oddities. Generational pain. Whose pain is she carrying? Diagraming. We are never upset for the reason we think
2. Feeling the feelings. Definition of an emotion, Feelings check list. Owning one’s feelings.
Expressing feelings. Spiritual bypass.
MODULE #5 The 5 Stages Continued
Video #1 The 3rd Stage – Collapsing the Story
The difference between Pain vs Suffering.
Interpretations, expectations, assumptions, judgments, assessments.
How to use the Centrifuge Worksheet
Walking in their shoes. Empathy, undertanding, mercy, humility, tolerance, compassion
Video #2 Releasing Core Negative Beliefs
What Core-ve beliefs were formed? The Spiral diagram
4 Steps to Releasing core -ve beliefs
MODULE #6 The Reframe
Video #1 – The 4th and 5th Stage
The actual Radical Forgiveness step
The Two Worlds – Being in both simultaneously
Tapestry analogy
Reframe Language, fake it till we make it.
The 5th Stage – Integrating the New Story
Doing something physical
MODULE #7 Let’s Do the Radical Forgiveness Worksheet (1)
Video #1 Preamble – Acknowledging My Own Humanness
Video #2 Completing Steps 1-4 on the worksheet
Video #3 Completing Step 5, Acknowledging Our Humanness
Noticing our judgments and expectations. Wanting them to change.
MODULE #8 The Radical Forgiveness Worksheet (2)
Video #1 Completing Steps 6 -7 (Now Collapsing the Story)
Video #2 Completing Step 8 (Now Opening To a Reframe)
Magnifying the sense of separation. Noticing the patterns
MODULE #9 Recognizing a Healing Angel When You See One
Video #1 Completing Steps 10- 15 Focusing on Steps 10 and 11. Projection
Defense mechanisms – Suppression/repression/Projection
Cool and Uncool Shadow Stuff. Unconscious
Becoming whole as you awaken
See in the mirror – If you spot it you got it.
Embracing the shadow
Soul Contracts
Letting go of the need to right.
MODULE #10 The Reframe
Video #1 Completing Step 16: The Reframe Statement
Video #2 Completing the Worksheet
Proclamations and Final Steps
MODULE #11 Other Radical Forgiveness Tools
The Quick Radical Forgiveness Worksheet
The Centrifuge Worksheet
The Acceptance (of Another) worksheet
The 13 Steps Audio
The 4-Steps Emerge-n-See Process
MODULE #12 Radical Self-Empowerment
Video #1 – Self Forgiveness and Self-Acceptance
The ‘Who is Forgiving Who’ conundrum
The nature of self
To whom are we appealing for forgiveness?
The Spiritual Intelligence Bypass
Video #2 Let’s Do the Radical Self-Empowerment Worksheet
13 Steps Script
You Are Special
Requirement: Book Study MUST be completed within a maximum period of 120 days from the beginning of the program.
Modules Include
a) PowerPoint videos with voiceover by Colin
b) Verbatim transcript of the video in Word
c) mp3 audio to listen to on a phone
d) longer illustrative videos
e) PDF Handouts
f) links to online worksheets
g) Quiz
1. Take the 3 Letter Process yourself with coach support.
2. Take 5 people through the RF Worksheet, 2 of which using the online worksheet.
3. Take 2 people through the RE Worksheet
4. Do a 6-week Book Study Group on the Radical Forgiveness book.
1. Each module ends with a short quiz which is self-assessed, giving you the opportunity to amend your answers until you have arrived at the correct ones. It will not let you move to the next module until you have answered all the questions correctly.
2. When you do the 3 Letters program your coach will score you and advise the course administrator. If the letters are not to the required standard, you will have to repeat it.
3. Make detailed notes after each experience of doing an RF worksheet with someone, and when you have done all five, write an essay (minimum 500 words), about the overall experience saying what you learned about the process, about yourself and about the effects it had on your ‘subjects.’
4. Do the same thing at the end of Module 12 about your experience of taking 2 people through the Radical Self-Empowerment Worksheet.