Becoming a Certified Radical Living MASTER Coach
Besides increasing your skill as a Master coach and teacher, this program is as much about developing your own spiritual muscles and growing as a person as it about you acquiring the skills and techniques of the Tipping Method and the Radical Living philosophy.
We expect our graduates to become not only great Radical Living Master Coaches but luminaries or way-showers for those who are ready to awaken to a different reality. We have every confidence that you will one of them.
In fact, our goal is to support you in developing a vision for your life and a sense of higher purpose that will come naturally from first adopting and then teaching the Radical Living Lifestyle.
For you it will be about fulfilling your mission of being of service, and being able to demonstrate the power of peace and love when all around you are losing theirs. Clients will look up to you, trust and respect you.
There a strong focus on happiness in this program. It reveals how Radical Living is an essential element in creating real happiness, joy and abundance. Your clients will love this, too.
At the practical level, Part Two builds on the content and experience gained in Part One and takes it to the next level. In exploring the two Radical Living Strategies that were not covered in Part One, the delivery of all four is completed. These other two are:
1. Radical Transformation. Applying the energy-based technology of Radical Forgiveness to the healing of situations, world events and problems that are outside of and beyond ourselves.
2. Radical Manifestation. Applying the Tipping Method to activate the Law of Attraction to manifest what you want to have in your life.
You will also learn a number of transformational processes and techniques that will help your clients heal, grow and prosper that were not covered in Part One. You will also be able to teach these processes in group settings like workshops.
Your role as a Radical Living Master Coach will be to help clients truly forgive themselves and others using the tools provided, find their authentic power, discover their purpose, create a vision for their lives, set goals, create good relationships and more.
What could more fulfilling and transformational for you personally than this? And, it includes, at no additional cost, two of our most popular online programs: 21-Days for Forgiving Your Parents, Partner & More, and the Radical Manifestation program. These two programs alone are valued at $594.00.
And look at this! You do Part Two as:
a 6-12 month modular, activity-based ONLINE Course which includes a total of three full hours of personal mentoring, spread over the time, from a Senior Radical Living Master Coach via telephone, Skype, or Zoom.
Your investment in upgrading your expertise and certification from a Radical Forgiveness Coach to a Radical Living Master Coach is $2,997 or 6 payments of $499.50.
However if you know from the very beginning that you want to do both Part One and Part Two, or you decide before Module 5 in Part One that you want to do Part Two, you can save a whopping $450 if you purchase both together at the Combo price of $3,644 or 12 payments of $303.67. (Note: Certification is only conferred when you are fully paid.)
Your Career Investment: $2,997, or 6 payments of $499.50 (See details)
Or, signup for both with the Combo priced at $3,644 or 12 payments of $303.67