Radical Self-Forgiveness


Hi there, I’m Colin Tipping and I am the author of the book Radical Forgiveness. That book has changed the lives of countless numbers of people and is now published in more than a dozen languages.



Hi there, I’m Colin Tipping and I am the author of the book Radical Forgiveness. That book has changed the lives of countless numbers of people and is now published in more than a dozen languages.

What we have here then is the sequel – Radical SELF-Forgiveness, The Direct Path to True Self-Acceptance. It is a much-needed book since most people agree that it far more difficult to forgive ourselves than to forgive other people.

But why, you might ask, has it taken me so long to write the sequel? Well, I first had to solve a fundamental question – how can we forgive ourselves when we are both the forgiver and the one being forgiven? Conventional self-forgiveness had no answer to this conundrum. But with Radical Self Forgiveness, there is no problem because it makes its appeal not to the human self, or ego, as with conventional self-forgiveness but to that part of you known as the Higher Self.

Your Higher Self loves you unconditionally and will always say Yes when you ask for forgiveness. Your ego, on the other hand, ruled as it is by a committee that lives inside your head commanded by the inner judge and critical parent, will always say NO. So, once I had that piece, it then became a question of simply giving you the tools by which to make your appeal for self-forgiveness to your loving Higher Self.

I also wanted to make the book not just about self-forgiveness per se, but to make it something that provided an opportunity for you to really discover who you are; to get a deep understanding of what, for you, constitutes that thing we call the self – in all its many disguises.

Coming to understand our sexual self, for example, is especially helpful. I also wanted to help people come to a place of love and acceptance for themselves just the way they are in the knowledge and comfort that their perfection lies in their imperfection. The issue of self-acceptance accounts for about half the book.

Sounds True publishes this book and have created a two-CD set to complement the book. One of the things on the CD is the 13 Steps to Radical Self-Forgiveness. This is, in effect, an audio worksheet. But the CD set is a stand-alone item, purchased separately from the book.