Radical Weight Loss Programme
A Simple, Effective 5-Step Approach to Radical Weight Loss
Are you carrying a lot of weight? Do you use food as an emotional comfort? Or are you feeling like you need to lose a little more but just cannot manage it?
Are you ready to let go of it and change your perceptions and habits now?
Whether we like it or not, our bodies sometimes reflect the state of our emotions. Repressed feelings and suffering that you haven’t healed can show up as excess weight. And the need to protect your sensitive self from future onslaught can be expressed as extra weight subconsciously acting as a protective barrier around you.
Weight can serve other purposes too. For some people, it’s an expression of self-hatred or feeling unloved. For others, it helps create a buffer between the conscious mind and the memories of traumas that are stored in the body tissue.
“Six months ago my doctor told me I had to drop the weight otherwise I was headed for a heart attack or stroke. I was literally dying from all the hate within me. I have lost 32 lbs. so far and feel better about ‘me’ every day. Thank you so much.”
Ron Vandom,
Boise ID
The Radical Weight Loss online programme helps you to:
- Discover why the fat is there
- Recognize your body’s need to hold onto it
- Forgive whoever created your need to hold the weight
- Let go of the weight that no longer serves a purpose
- Love yourself and your new body
The Radical Weight Loss online programme is jam-packed with tools, worksheets, readings, and processes that you can do at your own pace, in the privacy of your home or office! It is yours to keep forever.
For this Online Study Course, you’ll receive:
- Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping (ebook)
- Radical Manifestation by Colin Tipping (ebook)
- Radical Forgiveness worksheets and instructions (pdf)
- My Weight Loss journal (pdf)
- The 5 Stages of Radical Forgiveness
- Radical Weight Loss 13-step process
- The Weight Issues worksheet and instructions
- Two weight-loss meditations
- Resonance checklist
- Forgiveness list
- Sexual abuse, rape and incest information and discussion
- What I Already Think I Know About Myself (interactive module)
- Things I Haven’t Forgiven Myself For (interactive module)
- Things I May Not Have Given Myself Permission to Fully Grieve (interactive module)
- Self-Forgiveness weight loss worksheet and instructions
- Self-Acceptance weight loss worksheet and instructions
Let go of your weight issues with Radical Forgiveness
Use the mastery of Colin Tipping’s Radical Forgiveness programme to forgive yourself and anyone you feel victimized by and you will be amazed at what burdens disappear from your mind, release from your heart, and melt off your body!